As Mayor I will bring a fresh perspective and follow through to our city government.
I will do it…Driven by YOU
improving accessibility
I am very passionate about engaging our community members with their local government. I believe that city government is in place to support, understand and actively engage with the community that it is elected by. I will seek more opportunities for community gatherings, public meetings and events that will bring the diversity of our community together in a way that enriches one another’s lives. I will create a newsletter that will give monthly updates for community members to feel more connected and in reach of the Mayor. More opportunities to build trust between government and community members will strengthen our political process.
leveraging resources
When my son was 3 he thought we lived on an island! He asked one day, “mama, are we going off of our island today?!” I believe it was because we rarely had to leave our island! In the 90’s there were no box stores to go to so much of what we needed on the day to day was right here in Pacific Grove. There are many ways we can still live and shop locally. We have a local market, banks, restaurants, coffee shops, repair shops and retail stores that I have been faithful to shop in for over 20 years. As Mayor I will work to support our local businesses and recruit new ones. They shouldn’t have to only rely on tourists, they can be appealed to locally by also drawing in neighboring communities. I believe with teamwork we can generate our local economy and think with innovation on how to leverage our resources to welcome businesses into Pacific Grove as well as attract events. It is my desire to leverage the power and resources of community members keeping decisions and our money out of the pockets of Corporations.
addressing Transparency
Pacific Grove Residents are crying out for more transparency in our local government. As an Operations Manager and member of the Finance Team for a “gold-standard” global environmental non-profit, I have learned that accountability and transparency in reporting on projects and finances leads to organizational success. I will take my experience working with these organizations to address the weaknesses in transparency that the city is currently experiencing. There are many reporting obligations that the city has and I believe being more forthcoming in many of those areas is vital to overcoming the hurdles that have kept us from building a better city.
Ensuring Equity & Inclusivity
As a supporter of equity and inclusion, I will also look outside of our community to work with partners who are leaders as housing advocates. I aim to look to the future to ensure our community of renters, who are one rent increase away from being priced out of Pacific Grove, are taken into consideration.
Diversity is our present and our future. I am hopeful to work with our community that ensures that through every stage of life, our residents feel supported. We can be a small town that is a model for residential living that supports our families, retired folks, our LGBTQIA community and those living with disabilities. I am hopeful in looking forward to celebrating with our community our diverse backgrounds as your Mayor.
embracing Environmental stewardship
As an Environmental Candidate who is the Founder of an Environmental Global Non-Profit and a former employee of a large scale global environmental non-profit, I embrace "the realization that people and nature are inextricably linked, that life on earth depends on healthy, intact, fully functioning natural systems" (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). Our need to protect the natural ecosystems on the Peninsula is a high calling and one that is inspiring to want to take care of! My intentions as Mayor are to move climate change initiatives forward and to create a city-led initiative based on the United Nations Sustainable Development goals that champions environmentally sustainable solutions and to promote local environmental initiatives through the partnerships I've developed with local non-profit organizations.